TNF-alpha (1-26), human – Other Categories

Peptide derived from tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α), a cytokine produced by macrophages, T lymphocytes and natural killer cells. It exerts its function through targeting the transmembrane receptors TNF receptor 1 and TNF receptor 2, the latter of which it has a higher affinity for. When binding to TNF receptor 1 TNF-alpha is pro-apoptotic and when binding to TNF receptor 2 it is anti-apoptotic. TNF-α has further roles in inflammation, immunity and cancer. Expression of the TNF-α gene, located on chromosome 6 in humans is regulated by factors such as nuclear factor kappa b (NFKB). Dysregulation of TNF-α and its receptors can contribute to diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn disease and diabetes. Anti-TNF-α can be used as a therapeutic agent to target TNF-α during inflammatory diseases.


Technical specification

 KD20 peptide MW : 2.729.4 g/mol
 KD20 peptide Purity : > 95%
 KD20 peptide Counter-Ion : TFA Salts
Peptide library synthesis KD20 peptide Delivery format : Lyophilized



Product Size Price €
Price $
CRB1001240-0.5 mg 0.5 mg 141 € 113 $
CRB1001240-1 mg 1 mg 193 € 154 $

For Bulk Orders