CREB327/active transcription factor CREB-A (113-126) [5-FAM] amide, Human – Other Categories

CREB is a transcription factor that regulates diverse cellular responses including: proliferation- survival and differentiation- adaptive immune responses- glucose homeostasis- spermatogenesis- circadian rhythms and synaptic plasticity associated with memory. CREB is induced by a variety of growth factors and inflammatory signals and subsequently mediates the transcription of genes containing a cAMP-responsive element, including IL-2, IL-6, IL-10, and TNF-alpha. In the immune system, CREB induces an anti-apoptotic survival signal in monocytes and macrophages, has a role in promoting the proliferation, survival and regulation of T and B lymphocytes and is required for the generation and maintenance of regulatory T cells. CREB also often promotes anti-inflammatory immune responses, such as through the inhibition of NF-KB activity, the induction of IL-10, and the generation of Tregs. These anti-inflammatory responses could be protective by inhibiting unwanted inflammation, tissue damage, and autoimmune responses, or they could be pathogenic in the context of infection and tumour immunosurveillance. Peptide is labelled with an N-terminal 5-carboxyfluorescein (5-FAM), a widely used green fluorescent tag.


Technical specification

 KD20 peptide Sequence : 5fam-ILSRRPSYRKILND-NH2
 KD20 peptide MW : 2.087.1 g/mol
 KD20 peptide Purity : > 95%
 KD20 peptide Counter-Ion : TFA Salts
Peptide library synthesis KD20 peptide Delivery format : Lyophilized



Product Size Price €
Price $
CRB1001211-0.5 mg 0.5 mg 141 € 113 $
CRB1001211-1 mg 1 mg 193 € 154 $

For Bulk Orders