Ac-TTAI-NH2 – Protein-Protein Interactions

AAT is a highly abundant serine protease inhibitor primarily produced in the liver to protect the lung tissue. However, misfolding of AAT can result in significant liver disease, lung disease, and cancers. Defective AAT is characteristic of the misfolding protein diseases known as serpinopathies. Ion mobility mass spectrometry (IM-MS) was used to identify Ac-TTAI-amide as a ligand effecting α1-antitrypsin stability. Interaction of Ac-TTAI-amide with AAT results in increased stability and reduced polymerisation. Thus Ac-TTAI-amide is a useful target for further research in to serpinopathy management.


Technical specification

 KD20 peptide Sequence : Ac-TTAI-NH2
 KD20 peptide MW : 445.3 g/mol
 KD20 peptide Purity : > 95%
 KD20 peptide Counter-Ion : TFA Salts
Peptide library synthesis KD20 peptide Delivery format : Lyophilized



Product Size Price €
Price $
CRB1000672-0.5 mg 0.5 mg 141 € 113 $
CRB1000672-1 mg 1 mg 193 € 154 $

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