µO conotoxin MrVIB – Ion Channels and Transporters

µO-MrVIB is a 31 amino acid conopeptide originally isolated from the venom of Conus marmoreus. It is known for selectively blocking the NaV1.8 sodium channels, which are primarily found in pain-sensing neurons (nociceptors). These channels are involved in transmitting chronic pain signals. Research shows that µO-MrVIB has strong potential in alleviating both neuropathic and inflammatory pain without causing significant motor side effects, making it a promising candidate for pain treatment therapies.


Technical specification

 KD20 peptide Sequence : H-ACSKKWEYCIVPILGFVYCCPGLICGPFVCV-OH (Cys2-Cys20; Cys9-Cys25; Cys19-Cys30)
 KD20 peptide MW : 3406.22 g/mol
 KD20 peptide Purity : > 95%
 KD20 peptide Counter-Ion : TFA Salts
Peptide library synthesis KD20 peptide Delivery format : Lyophilized



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